Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Trust or rather lack of it in third world countries

Trust is a basis for functioning of human society. It exist in some form if a community/country has to thrive. Data Security scientists are still working on defining trust in the terms of mathematical models for web, open systems etc. but haven't reached far.

Trust is like two straws in different directions between different entities keeping them in sync. Hence works best when the entities are at the same conceptual/perception/physical level. Is this what makes the corrupt people trust only corrupt? In some countries such as India for authorizations and public services or any other official purpose, only people working for the government are trusted and have approval authorizations despite knowing that they would probably be the most corrupt one!! Why dont the government procedures allow for an independent trust checking setup for measuring the corruption in government. I guess hopefully that would be covered by the so much touted Lokpal Bill.

But hey catch-22, who checks the sanctity, credence and faith of the investigators itself!! Since people themselves can't be trusted to do this job as they are the one who sent the corrupts to power in the first place and you dont want the corrupt to check their own trust. Could we call upon the God to do that? HE should be willing to take up this meagre task for the benefit of the society which He loves most as claimed by the culture !!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

H-1 Mess

O rite. So i heard the H-1 quota has been reached. My guess is that its over 200,000 applications this year. Despite this high number of applications, people and guvment is gonna cry wolf with the loss of american jobs caused by the H-1 program. The computer random lottery is going to weed out the applications not selected even if the candidates left out are more meritious and have more experience. Despite INS getting 500+ million, INS says that they dont have enough resources to do the merit based selection. If they would anonymize the profiles of all the applicants and make them available on the web. Allowing the american public to poll those who deserve more to be selected in a Survivor style would be a totally democratic way of selecting those ultra lucky 85000 candidates whose american dream would come true (whether or not, that another story for another blog, another day).